
  1. 用英文介绍平遥古城50字


The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It's the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world.

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平遥古城是中国山西省晋中市平遥县的一座历史文化名城。它是中国古代城市建筑的典范之一,以其独特的古城风貌和丰富的文化内涵而闻名。平遥古城建于明朝,有着超过 600 年的历史,是中国传统建筑的珍贵遗产。这座古城有许多精美的古建筑和寺庙,其中最著名的是有着 1000 多年历史的镇国寺。平遥古城是一个重要的旅游胜地,吸引了大量国内外游客前来观光游览。

Walking into Pingyao City is like opening a thick history book. It is a living history and keeps history completely. Tiles, pavilions, even people, also keep the original ancient style.

It is a living history textbook. It is said that in order to keep this beautiful, Pingyao ancient city has a moral meaning: people who live in Pingyao City can't move a brick, even if you If you have money, you won't build a house. If you want to live in a new house and move out of the city, it is very precious in today's highly developed modern civilization.

People in Pingyao have made great sacrifices for this. It can be imagined that Pingyao, which is listed as a world cultural heritage and a famous cultural city, can feel the profound culture here.

